SKAPED is an artivist charity that works with young people in East London to educate them about community building and human rights through the creative arts.
As a small organisation, our work is dependent on grants and charitable donations. Supporting us in our work means that we can continue to create change, build community through the arts, and help young people to grow through creative expression. 100% of all donations will be funding community arts projects and events.

IN 2023 WE HAVE...


Your donations will go toward:

    Developing new programmes.
    Training and employing skilled facilitators.
    Supporting and educating young people.
    Providing arts and crafts materials.
    Mentoring volunteers.
    Connecting our participants with skilled artists and guest speakers.
We welcome any contribution, however big or small; every donation makes a difference! Skaped is dedicated to creating positive change in our communities, and we would love you to be a part of it.
To make a contribution to support Skaped and the work we do, click here


If you would like to support our work in ways other than a monetary donation; get in touch below.

We are keen to hear from you about potential partnerships, space and material donations, volunteering, and anything else you have to offer. We’re also happy to answer any e are keen to hear from you about potential questions you may have about our work and the work your funding would support.

Keep in touch with SKAPED news